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Feature Story

    Janice Coakley is known for her mentorship and dedication. Coakley was always known to impact her community through her leadership roles in her community. “ As I hold many leadership positions, I see the different opportunities that young children have such as Girl Scouts,” said Coakley. Through observing and witnessing the influences Girl Scouts has made in young girls Coakley decided to enter her daughter in the wonderful organization. “ I actually joined and decided to do Girl Scouts because the only way my daughter can enter the organization is if I became a leader.”

    As time passed Coakley continued to stay in the organization for 30 more years after her daughter graduated  high school. She has now been a mentor and influencer for over 30 middle and high school girls. Some goals of Girl Scouts of USA is to develop girl skills, open opportunities, make their community better through their creativity,  and more. As Coakley continued she was encouraged to open opportunities to girls as well. “ I encourage girls to participate in events and get the best of the high awards. I encourage girls to do their Silver and Gold Award to get the opportunities and to their impact community.” Coakley stated. Coakey has given girls the opportunity to be the best they can. Although, through Girl Scouts Coakley learned many things about herself and others. “ I was often put in situations to have parents and girls because of the way I may handle my troop. However, I am always open to apologizing because everyone makes their mistakes, even adults.” Through Coakley leadership,  Girl Scouts have made her more humble and be a better individual personally. 

    As years passed, Coakley faced many obstacles no matter how many years of her experience. She mentors high school students and still works with them no matter the challenges she faces. “ I continue to mentor teens because of my experience with my daughter and raising my nephew” Coakley stated. More and more opportunities have been given and “ through my experience with teens,  I can offer more” Coakley states. Coakley allows her to experience and achieve wonderful things as well. “ The amount of girls in my troop that learn their silver and Gold Award is the best achievement I have ever received.” Coakley girls have been recognized from news companies, colleges/universities, and more.

    Throughout Coakley's years, she has given girls the opportunity to welcome girls to things new . “ I really enjoy traveling with girls and welcoming them to places they have never been, such as being on an airplane or traveling to Pennsylvania.” Coakley said. However, as the Coakley years begin to come to an end, she encourages other leaders and girls to be part of Girl Scouts. Coakley wouldn't qualify anyone for this organization.  “ This organization needs people with dedication ,  people who want to grow, and have creative minds!”


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