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Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. - Inspiration

 American Baptist minister and  civil rights activist known as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. , became known as one of the  most African American  influential individuals in history. King was born January 15, 1929 and assassinated April 4, 1968. 

King's main target was equality and human rights for African Americans. King’s non-violent boycotts, protests, and marches  were all successful for racial discrimation in America.

King was known for his beneficial speeches. One of King's most famous speeches is “I Have A Dream '' speech. This speech focused on the end of racial inequality in America. Although King was arrested plenty of times for the changes he wanted to make, this did not stop him. King was encouraged to his legacy. King knew he may not be here when changes happened but he knew it would happen eventually.,was%20passed%20against%20racial%20discrimination.,of%20injustice%20through%20peaceful%20protest.


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