What are some camera shots in film?
- Establishing shot
- Close-up
- Long shot
- Wide shot
- Point of View
- Over the shoulder
All of the previous shots are all used in films to convey different messages to the audience.
What exactly do they and what do they convey?
- Establishing shot: also known as the transforming shot; it set up the content for the scene ahead to inform the audience for the setting. It give a relationship between people and objects. It established the geography and location in the film.
- Close-up shot : take a shot at a subject or object closely to show detail. If it's on a character it adds an emotional effect to the film. It allows the audience to understand the story better as well.
- Long shot: shows the character entire body. It shows a relationship between the character background and their environment.
- Wide shot : shows the subject within their surrounding environment. It gives the audience details on the scene, where it take place, and where it is set.
- Point of View: the audience is the character eyes. It is taken place in the character point of view and what they see. It is used to express the characters personal emotions.
- Over the shoulder: the audience view one subject from a position that is behind another character. It allows the auidence to see what the character is viewing. It allows the audience to view the relationship between characters.
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