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Hello, My name is Jauntre' and welcome to the beginning of my blog. 

             As part of my AICE Media Studies foundation portfolio, I will be working in a group however, I will be working individually to create a 4-page magazine. The purpose of this blog is to walk the reader through and document my process of creating this magazine. I aim to not only to discuss the process of my magazine, but also to discuss my journey. To have a successful magazine, I will have to present and develop many skills and acquired knowledge. This includes presenting my research skills, networking skills, and creativity. During this magazine development, I plan to expand my knowledge of the following: understanding of the media concepts, planning and constructing media products, and the understanding the meaning of media concepts when analyzing. This magazine will cover challenges women experience in the workplace. With a mother that has faced many challenges such as race and gender bias, equal pay, and more, I ensure I will be able to gain and provide a ton of insight on this topic. 

Main task of this blog : 

  • Create the front page, contents and double-page spread of a new magazine. 
  • All images and text used in the main task must be original and produced by the candidate with a minimum of four images. 
Picture from 


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